Monday, June 25, 2007


Mengikut buku Kedah Sepintas lalu karya Haji Ibrahim Ismail, Paduka Seri Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Syah II telah mengadap Raja rama II di Bangkok dalam tahun 1812-1813 dengan ditemani oleh Gabenor Nakhon Si Thammarat memaklumkan taat setia (ms 72,73) kepada Maharaja thai itu. Dia juga bersekongkol dengan Thai menyerang Perak dalam tahun 1818. Takut di bunuh kerana di kejar tentera Syed Alang Alauddin (1821)dia telah melarikan diri ke Pulau Pinang dan Inggeris telah menghantarnya ke Melaka dan di beri gelaran Marhum Melaka. Di sana dia menjadi penaung kepada penulisan sejarah, kebanyakkan diputarbelitkannya.

Syed Alang Alauddin Panglima Bukit Gantang telah berjuang bersama-sama kerabat Kedah yang bersama beliau, rakyat kedah, tentera 4 wilayah Patani, tentera China Manchu yang bertapak di Padang Lumat Yan kedah, tentera Majapahit dan Pasai menentang penaklukan Thai keatas negeri Kedah ketika itu. Inggeris dalam kapal Hyacinth membantu tentera thai dengan berlabuh di luar pesisiran Kuala Kedah. Tentera Thai juga menggunakan senapang jenis ‘muskets’ yang dibekalkan oleh Inggeris dari Pulau Pinang.

Di ms 30,
198. On the 6: we had another conference with the Ministers at the Palace of Krom Meun Surin. The Rajah of Ligore was present, and used much exertion to effect some settlement respecting the affairs of Kedah. He proposed that the Ex King should be removed from Penang, and not be allowed to reside at Prye (Prai) in Province Wellesley, or in Perah, Salengore or any Burmese territory, and that the Government of Prince of Wales Island should not prevent from returning to Kedah, any of the inhabitants of Kedah who might desire to do so.

Ultimately, I should have no objection to accede to the propositions which the Rajah of Ligore now brought forward with exception, however, that instead of the phrase, that the Ex King of Kedah should be removed from Penang, the expression should be, that arrangements should be made by the British Government for His Highness's residence in some other territory. I pointed out that the former phrase would be wholly inconsistent with the good will which the British Government must ever entertain towards an old Ally, and particularly when he is in distress. I admitted however that so long as the Ex King remained at Penang, in the immediate vicinity of Kedah, it will be impossible for himself or his adherents to refrain from disturbing or interfering with the Siamese who are in possession of their country. The Ministers agreed to all the conditions which I proposed respecting Kedah, with the exception of that requiring a free exportation of Grain to Penang.

Di ms 33 pula,
205. The free importation of Grain from Kedah to Penang was then discussed; the Phra Klang proposed that the present duty should be reduced to 8 Ticals per Coyan upon Rice and 4 Ticals upon Paddy. But I thought it most advisable to try and secure an entire freedom to the importation of supplies to Penang. The Rajah of Ligor proposed, and I at length consented, that in the event of the Rajah of Kedah remaining at Penang, and of our not making arrangements for his removal to some other territory, the present export duty upon grain should continue to be levied at Kedah, but not otherwise, and that at any rate, no duties or restrictions should be given to the exportation from Kedah of Poultry, Cattle and other stock.

Hairan juga bagaimana ujud kekeliruan ini. Kemungkinan tetap ada dimana dalam mesyuarat tersebut yang dimaksudkan thai ialah Maharaja Kedah sementara yang di maksudkan Burney ialah Raja Kedah. Berdasarkan kefahaman yang salah ini, Inggeris pun menghantar Raja Kedah (Raja Daerah Kuala Muda) ke Melaka. Oleh kerana Thai beranggapan tiada tindakan dipihak Inggeris, menghantar Maharaja Kedah, mereka pun meyerang Kedah dalam tahun 1838. Ibarat ayam membuat perjanjian dengan itik, burung terkapit ditengah-tengah. Wallahualam.

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