Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Oleh anaianai

Kita ikuti catatan Burney, selepas kejadian Musuh bisik tahun 1821,

Continuation of Captain H. Burney's Journal of his Mission to the Court of Siam from 15th February to 1st May 1826.

On the night of the same day I saw the Rajah of Ligor who begged of me in the most earnest manner to resign all idea of effecting the restoration of the King of Quedah, assuring me that the mind of the (Thai) King was fixed against such a measure, and that if I persisted in it (I) should only lose all the other objects of my mission. He asked me further to go and visit the Pya of Singora, who is about to return to his Government, and ascertain whether, what he, the Rajah of Ligor informed me as to the Sentiments of the King and Ministers respecting the King of Quedah is not perfectly correct. The Rajah stated that he wished to see me more frequently, but was afraid to do so, because I differed from the Ministers on some points, and this difference, in the event of an intimate communication between the Rajah and myself, would be suspected to be fomented by him, and would cost him his life.

Raja Ligor (mungkin Tuan Sulong?) telah menasihatkan Burney dalam cara yang bersopan santun bahawa missi beliau akan gagal sekiranya beliau masih mahukan Maharaja Kedah di kembalikan takhtanya kerana Maharaja Thai memang tidak akan bersetuju dan akan menentang habis-habisan. Burney disuruh berjumpa dan bertanya dengan ‘Phya of Singgora’, (Tengku Raja Songhkla) iaitu Syed Alang Alauddin (cucu khalifah Sharif) mengenai tanggapan Maharaja Thai dan menteri-menterinya terhadap Maharaja Kedah. Syed Alang Alauddin Panglima Bukit Gantang pada ketika itu menjadi Raja Songkhala. Maksud pulang ke kerajaan pula ialah Sultan Mudzaffar Syah III telah mangkat dan Syed Alang Alauddin akan kembali ke Kedah untuk ditabal sebagai Maharaja Benua Siam Islam. Raja Ligor ingin lebih kerap berjumpa dengan Burney tetapi dia tahu setiap langkah gerak gerinya nya sedang diperhatikan. Ayat ‘ …would cost him his life’ bermaksud, kalau berkomunikasi berlebih sangat dengan Burney dia pasti akan dibunuh.


Referring to the documents cited in the Margin and to some facts well known at Penang, I trust my Superiors will consider me justified in drawing the following conclusions. The Government of Prince of Wales Island, under an erroneous representation from the Rajah of Quedah that Perak was formerly Vassal to Siam, not only used every exertion to persuade the Late Rajah of Perak to submit to Siamese domination, but encouraged the Rajah of Quedah to conquer Perak, and actually furnished him with the ammunitions of War by which that unhappy Country was conquered and destroyed. The Government of Prince of Wales Island would never have followed such a course if it had been aware what the Siamese (Thai) Ministers have now disclosed, that Siam (Thai)had not previous to that date (1767), any right or claim whatsoever over Perak

Disini Burney mencatatkan bahawa Kerajaan Inggeris di Pulau Pinang telah bertindak salah membekalkan senjata kepada Raja Kedah hanya berdasarkan maklumat yang salah dari Raja Kedah itu (Paduka Seri Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Syah) yang mengatakan bahawa Perak adalah dulunya dibawah jajahan Siam. Memang benar, tapi Siam islam, bukannya Thai yang beragama Buddha . Thai ini datang negeri Siam yang dulunya beragama islam. Dalam lain perkataan, negeri nya sama, tapi bangsa dan agamanya dah lain. Burney mendapat maklumat ini dari menteri-menteri thai.

Ia juga membuktikan Paduka Seri Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Syah atau Marhum Melaka ini seorang yang pandai,…pandai menipu, penjajah Inggeris pun ditipunya.. Kalau dah memang sejarah bangsa Melayu boleh ditipu oleh Paduka Seri Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Syah melalui penulisan sejarah bangsa, takkan dia tidak boleh menipu Inggeris yang tak tahu sejarah bangsa Melayu. Hari ini patutkah kita berpegang lagi kepada sejarah versi mereka yang kena tipu oleh si penipu ini, sejarah daif mengenai sejarah bangsa kita.

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