Sunday, August 26, 2007

Keiko Kuroda’s writings on the Siamese in Kedah

By anaianai 3

We refer to Mr Keiko Kuroda paper titled “The Siamese In Kedah Under Nation State Making” from Kagoshima University. Our understanding from what Mr Keiko Koroda wrote is that he failed to study and understand that the Siamese language and the Thai language are two different languages. In your researched you seems to have interviewed the wrong people and ended up barking the wrong tree. The Malays of Kedah who are known as Sam sam is a humiliating name approved by the late Tunku, which most certainly reflects the tunku as well (he thinks he's siam + thai).

The rural Malays of Kedah DOES NOT speaks Thai but they actually speak Siamese, the language of their former kings from the multi racial, multi religion Ayutthaya Kingdoms who ruled the peninsular as well from 1350-1767. The thai themselves are colonist from Luang Phrabhang who invade Muslims Ayutthaya in 1767. The Thais are not Siamese, they are Sukhothais. With help from the confused British colonist, they ruled Siam as a Buddhist Kingdom after 1767. You should attend the seminar on Sheikh Ahmad Qomi in Bangkok to find out more. Why is Siam change to Thailand? Why is the Siamese language replaced by thai language? The answer is simple, the current king reigning in thailand today is thai, and so is his ancestors. They are not siamese. Thais are Buddhist and Siamese are Muslims. Thats why Persians and the Moors came to trade with Ayutthaya. Theres a huge cover up here,got it?

In case you dont know, there were no Thai Wat’s in Kedah, not until the year 1876 onwards when the Thai armies conquered Kedah from 1876-1881. The soldiers who stayed back on instructions from their superiors, remained Malaysians until today. Not effected by the Phibul Songgram and Rathinayok Policy, being across the border they continue to used the Siamese language, while in Siam the country was rename Thailand and the language and education was also changed to the Thai language. Until today, the Siamese language is almost obsolete in Thailand, but not so in the northern state of Malaysia. Putting in proper perspectives, the Ayutthaya Kings who are actually Siamese, spoke the Siamese language in the old days (before 1767), not the current Thai language spoken in Thailand today.

The rural Malay villagers with Patani dialect in Baling are Patani resident who moved to Kedah when Patani was attacked by the invading Thai armies in 1823 led by Long Senik who was appointed as the new Sultan by them. The Patani people, upon the attacked moved to Kedah with their Sultan, Nik Muhammadiah or better known as Sultan Muhammad I (1800-1835). The Patani people did not only ended up in Baling but also elsewhere in Kedah. We have met so many people in Kedah claiming their descendent is from Patani. Today Tak Bai or Keramat Tok Lebai actually refers to Nik Muhamadiah who became an islamic religious teacher in Kedah. His descendent, Mohammad Bahadur is now living in Kedah.

Why was Long Senik appointed as the Sultan and later known as Sultan Muhammad II? Simply because he was entrusted to prepare the bunga Mas to be delivered to Sharif yang Di Pertuan in Kota Meang Kuang but instead absconded with it to Bangkok and met with Rama Chakri and pledged his suzerainty. He was appointed as the new Sultan and returned to Patani with the Thai armies to claim his so called right. What an ungrateful stepson to Nik Muhammadiah he is.

And please stop calling our Malay warrior Panglima Nayan as a robber (just because he fought against the colonist masters) if you don’t know the true fact of history in Kedah. The sufferings of the people in Kedah during Thai occupancy is not even known to the elders in other states in Malaysia today, how could you imagine their younger generation to have the slightest idea what really happen then?. Thai invasion in 1879-1881 is worse than the japanese!!!, and when the colonist British masters returned in 1945, their propaganda campaign says otherwise.

Well Mr Korada, enough said than done, we think you better get your fact right in the first place when starting your researched. We, the descendents of the Siamese Muslims Kings of Ayutthaya are still around in Kedah. We know our ancestors more than you do, and so does your late Emperor Meiji who recognized and gave us the sword of authority long before the Japanese armies arrived (through Mr K.Shiba)in Malaya . It is people like you who forget history and make a mockery of our Malay history, with your worldwide coverage but wrong information.

King Boromoraja Ekataat V tombstone in a Muslim cemetary in Kampung Tualang in Kedah. He is the last King of Ayutthaya. He is also known as Mahadammayaza Dipati in Toung Oo or Burma today. He was killed by thai forces who invaded Kedah in 1821 to silence and closed all the evidence regarding Siamese being Muslims Kings. The Thais forces also confiscate and burn the Malay "Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa" which states the country of Siam is opened by Podiset Sayyidina Jamalul Alam Badrul Munir, son of Raja Merong Mahawangsa. Raja Merong Mahawangsa is the grandson of Emperor Sai Tee Sung of Tang Dynasty in China. Your late Emperor Meiji knows about this, how come you dont?

Korada's writings can be found at the following URL,

Sedikit tambahan maklumat,

PS: Nik Muhammadiah (lihat gambar makam di bawah blog ini) yang berkahwin dengan Datuk Nai Mariam sememangnya mempunyai zuriat dan membawa kepada Saudara Bahadur yang telah kami temui di Kedah baru-baru ini. Salasilah Nik Muhamaddiah bergelar Sultan Muhammad I ini dipadamkan oleh keturunan Long Senik yang memerentah Kelantan hari ini. Long Senik dilantik (bukan di tabal) oleh Thai menjadi Sultan Kelantan sepertimana Sultan Abdul Hamid dilantik menjadi Sultan Kedah. Sila baca disini,

Berikutan kemangkatan Sultan Abdul Hamid dalam tahun 1943, TNL Mahmud (lihat gambar)selaku waris Maharaja Benua Islam Siam Kedah, telah menabal Sultan Badlishah di Balai Besar, Alor Setar sebagai Sultan Kedah. TNL Mahmud adalah datuk kepada TNL Kasim. Sejarah penabalan ini, ramai diantara kita tidak mengetahuinya.

Berikutan kemangkatan Sultan Abdul Hamid, Sultan Badlishah di tabal sebagai Sultan Kedah oleh waris Maharaja Benua Islam Siam Nagara Kedah, Tunku Nai Long Mahmud ibni Tunku Nai Long Haji Yassin di Balai Besar Alor Setar dalam tahun 1943. Sebelum pada itu Jepun telah membuat siasatan terperinchi kerana Mak Cik Manjalara inginkan anakanda sulongnya menaikki takhta Kesultanan Kedah sementara TNL Mahmud mengatakan Tunku Badlishah adalah waris sebenar kerana ibu baginda, Nai Sofiah (ibu gahara)adalah waris Maharaja Benua Siam Islam. Dakwaan Mak Cik Manjalara mengatakan Nai Sofiah itu bukan gahara kemudiannya didapati tidak berasas lalu ditolak.

Tentera jepun yang berkuasa ketika itu telah membenarkan upacara ini dilangsungkan kerana mereka tahu sejarah sebenar dan telah menghantar spy mereka, K Shiba yang berniaga pinggan mangkuk yang diimpot di kedai bernombor 36, Jalan Raja semenjak tahun 1936 di Alor Setar Kedah. Kedai ini sering dikunjongi oleh golongan kerabat di raja Kedah ketika itu. Lihat, Haji Ibrahim Ismail, Sejarah Kedah Sepintas Lalu, ms 180. Sekembalinya Inggeris dalam tahun 1945, mereka menutup semula sejarah ini. Sejarah versi Inggeris inilah yang kita pelajari di sekolah-sekolah hari ini dan sudah pasti direstui oleh pemimpin kita yang tahu sejarah asal negerinya.

K. Shiba menghantar tentera sebagai penyiasat untuk menyiasat dakwaan TNL Mahmud bahawa Tunku Badlishah berhak menaikki takhta Kesultanan Kedah dan pada masa yang sama meneliti Salasilah Maharaja Benua Siam Islam Kedah dan melawat makam-makam lama.

Rupa-rupanya, dizaman dahulu kita mempunyai Maharaja seperti mana Maharaja di Thailand, seperti mana Ratu di England dan juga Maharaja di Jepun. Tetapi, apa yang terjadi dengan waris Maharaja kita di Malaysia hari ini. Hari ini baru kita tahu sedikit sebanyak siapa itu TNL Kasim. Sebab itulah kami ceritakan semula sejarah yang dipendamkan itu. Banyak lagi belum didedahkan. Tunggu.


  1. Kuroda ni punya masalah ialah dia sendiri tak tau beza antara Siam dan Thai, dia ingatkan sama saja. Hasil kajian dia yang tak begitu menyeluruh itu diterbitkan pula di Jepun dan siapalah yang hendak counter check kertas kerja dia di sana sedangkan di Malaysia ni pun ramai masih keliru.

    Label Sam Sam ini pun saya tak pernah dengar orang sebut cuma jumpa diinternet sahaja. Saya tidak pernah dengar mana-mana nenek moyang keturunan kami yang berkahwin dengan orang Thai. Kalau Sam Sam itu kacukan Thai-Melayu, hanya TAR dan segelintir orang sahaja dalam kategori itu. Satu lagi orang Sam Sam ini dikatakan kurang warak amalan Islamnya. Ramai juga orang-orang suku Siam Kedah yang warak, ada yang jadi wali Allah seperti Haji Ismail Kubur Panjang dan ada yang membuka sekolah pondok.

  2. Jawapan untuk Comment Pertama.
    Samsam adalah sekumpulan orang yg cakap guna bahasa THAI di mana bukan orang yg tinggal di Thailand sahaja. Kalau nak tahu selanjutnya baca dari J.Marvin Brown 'From Ancient Thai to Modern Dialect', Jimmy G.Harris 'Tai Linguistics in Honor of Fang Kuei Li' dan Fang Kuei Li 'A Handbook of Comparative Tai'
    Keterangan Lanjut..Bahasa Thai adalah salah satu kumpulan bahasa Tai.
    Good Luck Everyone
    From Malaysian Student who study Thai Linguistics in Thailand

  3. Sorry wendi , the first commentar is right. He speaks and understand Siamese very well and his article has been published in this blog before. But of course he doesnt understand nor speak Tai/Thai.

    The so called Samsam doesnt speak thai, they speak Siamese the old Ayutthayan language of Siam. Dont anybody wonder why there is a language diff. here even though we are only separated by the so called invisible border. After all we are not separated by the open sea. Even the Acheh language across the Selat Melaka is clearly understood by Malaysians today.

    Sebabnya mudah sahaja, bahasa Tai adalah asalnya dari bahasa puak yang lain dengan itu menyebabkan perbezaan yang ketara. Bahasa Siam Kedah lebih mirip kepada bahasa Melayu kerana ia asalnya bahasa awal melayu, bukanya dicampur adukkan dengan bahasa Melayu hari ini.
